Register theory, developed by the founder of Systemic Functional Grammar, Halliday, aims to uncover the general principles which govern the language variation in different situation types. 语域理论,是韩礼德等语言学家在把语言同社会和人放在一起来加以考察和研究的过程中发展起来的语言学理论,它揭示了不同情景下语言变体的总体原则。
Chapter Two reviews the theory of Stylistics, Systemic Functional Grammar and the current research situation in this field. Chapter Three introduces the theoretical framework of functional stylistics as well as the methodology adopted in this thesis. 第二章介绍了文体学的发展历程和系统功能语言学的基本框架,并回顾了近年来国内外功能文体学的发展情况。第三章介绍了功能文体学的理论框架,以及本文所采取的研究方法。
The Theme-Rheme theory originated from the Communicative Dynamism of Prague School and was developed by linguists of Systemic Functional Grammar, with Halliday as their representative. 主位-述位理论始于布拉格学派的交际动力学说,经过以Halliday为代表的系统功能语言学派的发展,已经成为语篇分析的重要方法之一。